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    Frequently asked questions

    Q: How do I book an appointment?
    To book an appointment, visit our website, browse through our services, select your desired service, choose a date and time, and complete the booking process by providing your details and payment information.
    Q: Can I book multiple services in one appointment?
    Yes, you can select multiple services during the booking process and schedule them for the same appointment.
    Q: What types of salon services does Nyxia offer?
    Nyxia offers a variety of salon services including haircuts, coloring, styling, manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, and more.
    Q: How can I contact customer support?
    You can reach our customer support team through the 'Contact Us' page on our website, via email at, or by calling our helpline.
    Q: What should I do if I face issues during booking?
    If you encounter any issues during the booking process, please contact our customer support team for assistance.

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    Sialkot Air Port Road, Jalalpur Jattan, Gujrat, Punjab.

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